So we did it. After hearing about the many craigslist sales and purchases my hairdresser/friend had made, I decided to venture on it myself to see if I could find a deal. We'd been wanting a couch to put in our living room, but on our teacher budgets, paying Haverty furniture store prices just wasn't appealing. So I looked.....and looked....and scrolled...and scrolled....and clicked on about a million links to really bad couches until low and behold this one popped up just a short 10 minute drive from our house! A Broyhill beauty for cheap. One phone call later, one trip made by my husband and his bodyguard (his mom), and voila! A couch. For half of what we would have spent.
Probably more than half.
My own synopsis of Craigslist? Three short words.
Addictive. Scary. Convenient.
Great looking sofa! I might have to hit up Craig's List myself!
I used to use Craigslist a lot when we were in Fort Worth. When we moved to Tyler I didn't find as much on it and got frustrated, but I have bought and sold on Craigslist and have had good exper
Yeah! You got it! It looks really nice. Did you go with them to see it up close? I look on there pretty much every other day. Addicted I guess.
Great couch! We will have to venture on over there....well...after our sprinklers and grass go in!
I bought some great parson's chairs for nearly half price (brand new) on C's List a couple of months ago after looking for weeks at all kinds of furniture. The owner and I emailed each other several times.
I was somewhat scared but ended up having a very good experience! Of course, I imagine it would be different if you lived in a HUGE city. I would take someone with me at all cost!
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