Ok. So my sister has the Zumba love. She took a few classes a couple years ago, caught the bug, and now is a HOT Zumba Team instructor rotating shifts with a few girls (including Ted Nugent's wife....go figure!)
I love seeing my sister, who until taking the class, thought fitness was the devil. She loathed her belly flab that three children gave her, and breathed hard if I even discussed exercising. In fact, yes....I'll admit it. I have always been the "fit" sister. I have a few 5k's under my belt, a few weight training courses, even taught a few classes in college.......so yes. I'm a bit envious. Envious of her sleek, trim healthy figure. Her toned arms. And envious of the time she has available to do the Zumba instructing to begin with.
But envy is only the extremely thin top layer of my emotional cake. The bottom layers are full of well, heart swelling pride that my sister is really good at this. Really good! Check out her video...she's workin' it.
Zumba Love You Long Time!! Maybe one day for me.....
four things | twenty-three
7 hours ago
looks so fun! I like to imagine I would look that good doing those moves! I bet JMass would be great at it...maybe we can convice her to teach a class after her little man is born!:) BTW...I thought you looked so pretty today at church! Have a great week!
I have the whole set of videos collecting dust here at my house if you girls want to get together & laugh. Cause' even though I was a cheerleader in high school & can make my body do that... its not pretty anymore! No mirrors please!!! Let me know if we can find a night we can all agree on..
Ok, now I need a gatoraid and a nap after watching that. Whew! Awesome job Angela! I may have to look her up next time I am in Waco.
I agree with Keri. I have this coordinationally-challenged "two left feet" disability thing going on. It looked like your sister's feet were going one way, her knees another, her hips still another (or maybe they were following the feet), and then there are the arms and head. My brain is confused already, but it does look awfully fun! Definitely have to try that in the privacy of my own home first!
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