I watered my plants today. I used a 2 quart container, filled it to the top, and soaked the green plant the best I could. That plant received more love and attention than this little girl has received in her entire life.
Until now.
Nabakoza went to be with the Lord after suffering in Uganda for more than 23 years. She weighed 31 pounds. Neglected, abused, and witheld from food because of her disabilities. Through the work of some twenty-somethings who have made their life a testimony to God's call to help the "least of these", Amazima Ministries and Serving His Children are helping babies......orphans.....children like these find a new life with Christ. And hopefully a better life while here on earth.
Until now.
Nabakoza went to be with the Lord after suffering in Uganda for more than 23 years. She weighed 31 pounds. Neglected, abused, and witheld from food because of her disabilities. Through the work of some twenty-somethings who have made their life a testimony to God's call to help the "least of these", Amazima Ministries and Serving His Children are helping babies......orphans.....children like these find a new life with Christ. And hopefully a better life while here on earth.
I'm praying right now about the opportunity I have to visit these ministries in Uganda in the Summer 2011. It's not a question of whether I want to go. I'm going to be 100% honest and say it's not a financial aspect that's keeping me from going. Nor a time aspect. Not really even the fact that I'll be leaving my own babies and family for a while.
I'm scared of what I'll see and how it will affect me. If going to a simple GA camp....or Youth Camp here in the states makes you come back on this "high" of sorts. I can't imagine what coming face to face with real things like starvation. AIDS. Dysentery. Malaria. etc., etc., etc., etc,. will do.
I can only imagine.
Reading Nabakoza's story makes me sad. And regrettably, mad. I'm a God-follower who follows God without question, but I have them. Why would He create this lovely human being to live in squallor like that? My heart aches........
Pray for me, please. I feel like there's a mountain I'm going to have to climb when I get back. Dealing with all sorts of issues....our own materialism and focus. Why do I have to water my lawn when there's no water for babies? Why did I have to throw that _____ away? Look at me, Lord. Look at my shallowness.
I hopefully will keep Nabakoza in my mind through all of it. She's dancing with God right now in a whole, new magnificent body that's forever lasting. Her suffering pales in comparison to the joy she has now. It was all worth it, I'm sure.....
I'm scared of what I'll see and how it will affect me. If going to a simple GA camp....or Youth Camp here in the states makes you come back on this "high" of sorts. I can't imagine what coming face to face with real things like starvation. AIDS. Dysentery. Malaria. etc., etc., etc., etc,. will do.
I can only imagine.
Reading Nabakoza's story makes me sad. And regrettably, mad. I'm a God-follower who follows God without question, but I have them. Why would He create this lovely human being to live in squallor like that? My heart aches........
Pray for me, please. I feel like there's a mountain I'm going to have to climb when I get back. Dealing with all sorts of issues....our own materialism and focus. Why do I have to water my lawn when there's no water for babies? Why did I have to throw that _____ away? Look at me, Lord. Look at my shallowness.
I hopefully will keep Nabakoza in my mind through all of it. She's dancing with God right now in a whole, new magnificent body that's forever lasting. Her suffering pales in comparison to the joy she has now. It was all worth it, I'm sure.....
Wow. There are just no words for that pain and sadness. I've been thinking a lot about water lately...or how much water I waste, actually. My friend Amy ("Our Journey to Ethiopia" link on my blog) is trying really hard to raise enough money by the end of the month to build a well in Africa so that people can have access to fresh water. That simple act alone can save so many from disease, etc. I've really admired her heart and determination throughout this fundraiser, and now this is so inspiring as well. Praying for you in this journey--it's going to be amazing, I'm sure of that!
One thing I can say for sure is you will come back a changed woman with a new perspective. Somewhere in the Bible it says you cannot encounter God and NOT be changed as a result. When friends of mine ret'd from Peace Corps in Grenada (where suffering wasn't anywhere near that of Uganda) they were dismayed at "the obese couple in 7-11 fighting over the chili dispenser at the hot dog stand" mentality of so much of our American culture. I'm proud to be an American and my heart and prayers truly go out to "the least among us" who are so much less fortunate than we are. All of us should probably take a look at how we use our resources and how we can help others. I'm Catholic and this always comes up around Lent when we focus on praying and fasting, but it really is an issue that should be addressed all year long.
Last year I volunteered at my daughter's school as a lunch monitor. The amount of food that went from the lunchbox directly into the trash can (unopened yogurts, fruit cups, sandwiches, etc.) was astounding!! I asked one student why he didn't just take it back home if he wasn't hungry or didn't like it. He said he wanted his mom to think he'd eaten his entire lunch. Another mom recounted a story where she told a student she shouldn't waste her food because there are children who are starving in other countries. The little girl replied, "What's that got to do with me?" Therein lies the problem. We are so accustomed to having plenty that we sometimes forget that others have not even the basic necessities to sustain life. You are already a step ahead of so many by reflecting on the water you used to hydrate your plant. You're two steps ahead for even considering a missionary trip to Uganda. Prayer and discernment are what will bring you to the decision that is best for you.
I almost had a coronary! When I typed in the word verification and hit submit, I got an error message saying that they could not process my request. Thank goodness that message went thru! Don't know if I could've recreated that one!
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