I almost can't believe it. Two. It's flown. Sophie is at an age where she can do no wrong. Well, I know she does wrong. But she's just so darn cute when she does it, that it's hard to get mad at her. ; )
Some things I hope I remember about "almost 2":
* You don't understand questions. If we ask, "What's your name?" Your answer? "Name" or "How old are you?" Your answer: "You". It's adorable.
* Turkey, Cheese, and fruit. That's about all you eat. That's it.
* You've learned how to communicate. You can say "Mmm hmmm" for yes or nod your head. It's great. I can finally understand what you want now. Hallalujah!
*I love your "head downs". That means you want your head on my shoulder....sweetness personified.
We love you!
IOP shelling diaries | part two
1 day ago
Give her a big hug and kisses for me. So glad we got to spend some fun time together with your family.
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