That's an oxymoron, isn't it? Like "Gourmet Pizza" or "Freezer Burn" or....lemme about "Crash Landing"? hehe...
But I've needed it. Let me count the ways:
1) The last month of school - POST TAKS - is basically free babysitting for all students. There's no real education going on. I try, but the kids know it's over. It's that "kid-stinct" of theirs. They just know. So it's me versus 18 little wild monkeys. And I'm not winning.....
2) Our shack is nearing completion. A move is upon us. I'm ready, but there's so many little things to do and so little.....babysitters. HOW....moms of many....just HOW do you accomplish anything when you have multiple kids? Seriously - HOW?
3) And finally....this is really a sub-post of #2, but....this whole Memorial Day weekend has been a "What I need/want to do vs. What my hubs needs/wants to do vs. What Grace needs/wants to do vs. What Sophie needs/wants to do." I'm not quite sure if I've handled it as gracefully as I should've. My constant sighs spoke loads. When hubs is busy w/youth......or when Grace wants me to play "princess" with her even though Miss Sophie is clinging to me for her bottle....when Sophie screaming at the top of her lungs because she wants to be at home instead of in her carseat.....when a 30 minute walk is about the jist of "me time".
So, dear Jesus, I'm requesting an extra helping of the fruit of your spirit called "Patience". She's a high commodity these days. Super-Size me, please.
: ) I really do love this life of's just been one of those weeks!

Oh, I hear ya! I need to pray that same prayer for patience! I was convicted of it yet again this morning during the sermon.
I find it next to impossible to accomplish much with multiple children. Everything is slow and steady around here because of it (and many times frustrating). But -you re-did a table! That's quite an accomplishment! And it looks great, by the way.
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