She IS! Big girl. I can't believe that in just a few short months, my firstborn will be in kindergarten. Kindergarten! That doesn't seem right. Her cheeks are still too chubby...too much "sweetbabyfaceness" ......but she did read 4 pages in her book last night, with little help from momma..... so, sniff....I guess she is ready.
Blow'em Out!
We had her fifth birthday party at our local Kiwanis Park. It was just how I like parties -simple, short, and sweet! The kids just played & ate cake. Can't get any better than that!
The Partygoers
We had her fifth birthday party at our local Kiwanis Park. It was just how I like parties -simple, short, and sweet! The kids just played & ate cake. Can't get any better than that!
The Partygoers
Grace has also started to play t-ball. If you are ever in a sour mood, go watch a little girls t-ball game. If all the kartwheels and flower pickin' in the outfield don't get you laughing, then surely seeing a 4 year old running from first base to second base to third and then....straight to the dugout! Tears running down my face. :)
Grace likes it....likes, not loves. She'd much rather talk to mommy & daddy through the fence. But right now, the thrill of hitting the ball and stopping it every now and then entertains her plenty. Babe Ruthie? Maybe not just yet.
Babe Ruthie for sure! Sorry we didn't make it to the party. It really doesn't seem like she should be 5 already. I remember when I met you she was just a newbie. Gosh how time flies.
By the way love the cake was it Cherry Laurel?
Happy Birthday!! Looks like she had lots of fun, BTW LOVE that cake, my daughter grabbed a peek and now wants that for her birthday ;)
Happy Birthday!!! Precious little girl! (the cake is so cute too!)
Thanks Flo for the free publicity for Goodies by Julie & Carolyn! I love the picture of Grace blowing out her candles. It looks like she had an awesome party! Thanks again...
Happy Birthday sweet Grace!! Wish I had a piece of that yummy cake.
I love her cake its cutee! :) Happy Birthday to her....
Where on Earth did you have the cake done? I LOVE it!
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