(fresh spinach, summer squash, red bell peppers,
zucchini, and butternut squash)
Every year, around this time, I realize along with millions of others that my Pioneer Woman cooking days are gonna have to be over lest I start looking like this.....

So, now I'm coming up with my own FloX version of working out. A little of all things I love: yoga, squats & leg workouts, incorporating my favorite PLYO video from P90, Zumba, and running. Why not? And while I'm at it.....I've been taking a serious look at my diet. Alicia Silverstone's The Kind Life book has intrigued me. Not to be a vegan, but to eat closer to the earth ......

Notice I said "I". My hubs will probably eat it, too, but I'm for sure my girls will turn their noses......I'll tackle that challenge later.
But really. Less junk. More natural. Forget "fortified" with vitamins, just eat the stuff that has vitamins in it naturally! I'm hoping my skin, energy, and body will thank me.
Pioneer Woman - goodbye for now. Sniff......
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