Have you ever gotten to the point in your spiritual walk where you felt like you were on a treadmill? You are going....you are walking.....but you aren't exactly getting anywhere. Alot of work, no change in scenery. The same footsteps, just retread and retread and retread.
That's where I feel I am. There was a point in time, a year or two ago, where my scenery was changing. There was a world of unanswered questions which women like Beth Moore or reading of the faithful actions of Abraham in the Old Testament or even my relationships helped me discover some of the answers. I had moments of just leaning on my faith. Building muscle in an area that had really never been used before.
But then it just stopped. I was walking. I was reading. I was doing. But everything around me just stayed the same. I was hearing the same thing....seeing the same things.....repeating the same things.....and then came the realization.....
it's me.
I'm not going deep enough.
I've been doing the checklist. Bible reading for the day? Check. Sunday School/Church? Check. Helping out in ___ Check. Discussing Christianity with other Christians? Check.
My God longs to meet with me in a place that's beyond the location I'm at right now. I feel Him begging me to get to know Him better.
I realize my words do not possess the power of the authority in Christ.
My relationship with Christ has been very one note. But I hope for a sonnet.....
Lord, I ask for You to meet me where I'm at right now and lead me where You want me to go. Psalm 25:5 "Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long."
IOP shelling diaries 2025 | part one
3 days ago
Hi! Flo~ girl~ just one day at a time! that's the fun of growing with Christ! Hang On! and dig deep! BTW~ love your new look!
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