Yes. I did title my post that. To be honest, that's the first thing that came to mind when I sat down to write this title it became.
I have to be honest, ya'll. I've been feeling a little guilty. Call it "mom guilt" (don't we all get that?), but I can't believe this blog has left me with feelings of guilt. It has. A little bit. I'm a pretty transparent person & I need this blog to be transparent, as well. (After all, what good is writing if it isn't a little therapeutic?)
My guilt is this: This blog has first & foremost been about my family. Grace, Sophie, pics of us doing 'us' stuff....but now....since my new 'hobby-job''s been transformed into something new. The webface of "Goin' with the Flo" refurbishing. I love, love posting about my redo's....craigslist finds....or amazing buys (like the three, yes THREE antique buffets I stole, I mean, scored today ....more on those bad boys later!), but I have to be honest with any of the new followers.......this blog is not just about furniture. It's about my family. If you want to "un" follow, you have my blessings! But I've got to leave room for posts about my days like this.....
(She's gonna kill me one day)
It sometimes is about poop. Or rather, in today's case, the lack of poop (in appropriate places).

It's not going too well for us either...potty training:(
I'm so with you girl... Poop and pooping makes the world go round! And all the pretty decor in world is fine, but we all have real stuff going on that ain't that pretty to talk about, that's real life... dirty, stinky, itchy, sticky, irrational, bitchy, tired, bloated...
good luck with the potty training, it'll happen in it's time...
Oh I so remember the potty training days. I did it early...son was 15 months and daughter was 18 months, but I have a secret. My children tear up when they did #2 in their diaper, so I always knew when they were needing to be put on the potty. Once they figured out #2 on the potty, #1 was easy so I could potty train them early. Don't hate me for my kids tearing up. And don't worry, your heart will 'get the idea' and love it rather than go in her diaper!
I LOVE reading your blog! Hope to hear about Uganda soon!
I LOVE reading your blog! Hope to hear about Uganda soon!
I am a new follower. I was drawn in by your beautiful furniture, but I look forward to reading about your family as well! I have a three month old so I don't know anything about potty training yet, but good luck :)
I hope the rest of the weekend went well w/ potty training. We did the 3 Day Potty Training method this weekend and it worked so well! We're still working on #2, but he has #1 down like an old pro. Good luck!
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