A School in Jinja

School in Uganda is very different than in the U.S. Children have to pay to go. It is relatively cheap by our standards, but it increases the higher the grade level..... and MANY children never get the opportunity to go. Instead, they peddle on the streets, do labor for their food, or are forced into many other things .....that's the low.

The highs? Oh..... So many. First, these children DESIRE to go to school. The ones who get to go, appreciate it!!!! They study hard and make it a priority. In the picture above, teens at the orphanage we are staying at were using their free time to do equations. Yes...... Equations. The kiddo above is Isaac- brilliant at just 17.
Those commercials you see about sponsoring a child for just a few dollars a month are REAL. A few verses have been rolling in my head the whole time I've been in Africa......"whoever sees a person without food or clothes, but does nothing- what good is his faith?" (paraphrased) ..... And "whatever you have done for the least of these, you have done for Me" ........
Here's a "Flo verified" list of ministries that by you giving up one "eat out" night a month , you can feed and send a child to school for a month!
Canaan's Children Home
My Father's House
Sixty Feet
Return Ministries international
Amani Baby Cottage (adoptions)
Please prayerfully consider being a living sacrifice!
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You're my hero....well, what Jesus is doing through you is very heroic. I love you.
Wow, thank you for reminding me what life is really about! I need those reminders often ;)
Yay for you!! What an awesome sacrifice your giving and what sweet children!
How do I give $?
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