When I enter Winnie & Tulula's and find my booth like this..... Empty. I breathe deep. That quick rush of "somebody liked it!" goes away.......the reality hits that I need to start painting like yesterday to refill. But the ultimate Joy comes from knowing that each sale has helped pay the way for me to fly to Uganda (leaving in 14 days!!!) for two weeks to visit Amazima Ministries, 60 Feet Ministries, Canaan's Home and several other places I probably am not yet prepared to see....My heart is weighing heavy.
Amazing Katie from Amazima
To say I am unprepared is an understatement. Oh....I've got the traveling shoes. The adaptor (gotta blog, right?!). The passport. I'm physically ready, but mentally? Not nearly.
I just wanted you to know, that your support (whether through purchases, donations, prayers, etc.) has helped in ways you'll never know. It gave me confidence to keep on painting......the kids in Uganda may not care about "distressed fabulosity" but they DO care about fresh water, education, and immediate needs. It is in this way, I found I can use that painting hand God gave me to help.
You've also helped "Goin' with the Flo" sponsor a child for a year through Amazima Ministries. We just did that tonight!! One less child going unfed & uneducated for a year......
A sincere thank you.

What an amazing opportunity! Praying for God to bless you and all those you come in contact with on this trip.
I love it FLo, Can't wait to hear about your trip and changed life! To Him be all the Glory!
I am SO happy that is what you walked in to see at W&T's! For one thing, it's proof that you are THAT good at what you do. And for another, God is using your customers to send you on the journey of a lifetime. A journey I think that will stay in your heart forever. God bless "distressed fabulosity" and God bless you for using it to serve all those souls you will be meeting in just a few weeks.
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