I'm making a new TAG game for the blogger world. A Testimony Tag- if you will! I realized that all these postings gave me info into many people's lives, but didn't give me info about the best story they could possibly EVER tell! So I'm tagging 4 people to give their testimony story...if they care to share. I'd love to hear them!
My testimony:
I didn't neccessarily grow up in a Christian home, but thankfully, due to a very influential grandmother and some great friends, I always was a frequent visitor at my local church. I got 'saved' at 14, and I do think that the Holy Spirit began His walk with me then. But honestly? I wasn't paying much attention to Him. I bounded along on my own...thinking I was doing okay. But it wasn't until as a junior at Texas A&M....and a roomate moving....and a new (gasp!freshman!) roomate moving in.....that she, Sandy, helped me see the light. Her light & love for the Lord drew me in. I realized my own walk was hollow. And I began my relationship with Jesus. It wasn't perfect. I definitely still had growing to do. And when I met my future husband, his "solid as an oak" family taught me even more about Christ. When we took our vows, I remember our pastor's challenge. Boog was to present me to Christ looking more like Jesus because he's been my husband and has challenged me spiritually....and I was to support him to be the man God's called him to be. In a nutshell, as God's placed a calling into the ministry for Boog...I'll be tested through and through on that challenge! So there's my testimony. God Bless!
Testimony TAG:
1) Heather
2) Andi
3) Jamie
4) Angela
Interiors of a Storyteller
1 day ago
Love this...should we tag here or on our own sites? By the way I just found out about the reflux thing last week as well. Yes I will be at your house at 5:30 can't wait! I'll have to be sure and take my camera! Have a great week and by the way thanks for making me addicted to blogging!
Thanks for sharing--I love this idea! I'm going to do my testimony on my blog when I'm not so sleepy!
Love this too..I'll post soon on our site. Also, will send you a pic soon if your friend truly doesn't mind helping me with a new header. :)
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