Now, Grace and her daddy have been camping a few times....just the two of them....and it seemed like good fun. So, to start off our Spring Break 2011, we decided "Eh....Why not?" Let's take the whole family. I'm not quite sure what made us think that, but camp we did. In a tent.
Showing Their Mad Tent Set-up Skills

We had a few extra family members, due to the fact that Boog planned on running a few dozen miles. These two single guys got a load of "family time" for sure!
Sophie loved being outside. She took to it like peanut butter and jelly. Good fun.
Grace tended to the fire....

Me? I won't lie. I loved being outdoors. I loved the fact that my daughters were worn out and totally absorbed in a world without tv, phones, videos, etc. I loved sitting around the campfire.
But I'm over a tent. One night was good for me.
We are now searching for an afforable one of these..... : )
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