...painting very much. Ugh! Maybe it's school starting, maybe it's the heat....whichever....but I need to get back on the paintwagon because my hubs has started outdoing me! He made wooden benches over the summer for a friend/client and WOWza! Didn't they turn out great?? (thanks, Donna, for the picture!)
Meanwhile, I've got to get busy painting a client's bedroom set that is my first 100% profit donation to Sixty Feet (yea!). I also just sold a dresser that benefits it, as well....these things literally make this side job 110% worth the effort.
Speaking of effort......I've had this dresser on the backburner for ages now. I need to paint it white ......

Hey... those benches your husband made are awesome! Good for him. And you're probably busy as anything getting everyone ready for school, that's why you haven't been painting...!
It is the heat for SURE!!! UGH! It is soo hot! Hang in there girlie!! It will all come together! =)
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