Her name was Claire. We all recognized immediately that this child was striking. Vogue. InStyle. Glamour....all the covers of a magazine would she grace if she were in the states. But her beauty was beyond that business.
(photos courtesy of Lori Seay Thornton, my trip member)

I was reading articles this morning about the scope of the humanitarian crisis in Somalia. The drought there is worse than it's been in 60 years. 30,000 children under the age of 5 have died from malnutrition just in the last few months. Somalia was just one country away from where we were.....some of the pictures were wayyy too "real" for me. I had to quit looking.
The biggest question on my mind is "Where would God have me to begin?"

sweet Claire...she is so beautiful!!
Thank you for sharing about your experiences in Uganda and how they have changed you. It has been a much-needed reminder to me about what is happening in other parts of the world. It is so easy to get caught up in our easy, overly abundant American lives and forget that this isn't all there is. (At least it is for me.) Thanks for sharing.
let me know when He begins to point you...
i mean because i want to be a part ... of your story ... waiting to hear more...
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