Sophie-Bophie...11 Months

Joyful day. Precious moments.
Joyful day. Precious moments.
Posted by Flo and Grace at 12:05 PM 51 comments
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:17 PM 2 comments
Posted by Flo and Grace at 7:05 PM 4 comments
You either are a repeat movie watcher or you aren't. As I've said before, my sister and I are polar opposites on many things. This is no exception. When I told her a while back that Boog and I have certain movies we watch over and over again, she had a certain dead-pan, you do whatttt? look seep over her. As if the thought of sitting there, watching the same movie you've already watched a hundred times was.....ludicrous. I find it quite..... lovely. : )
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:18 PM 3 comments
Posted by Flo and Grace at 5:26 PM 3 comments
No funny title here, just a note on a really good day I had this weekend. It's fun to have all your cups filled in one day - your friend cup, your family cup, your hubby cup......that doesn't happen that often. Just ask Boog. When any one of those cups get low, I can get grouchy. I need friend time, I need family time (lots of it), and I need hubby/date time (at least every now and then!).
My friend cup: First Monday - Canton. We froze our patooties off, but we made the best of the four hour shopping experience. A couple of Christmas presents checked off our list....several more to go for me. Kim, I'll do Canton with you again anyday!
My hubby cup: Filled. Our last date was back around August, I think, so this was way overdue! We ate, saw "The Blind Side" (which I greatly recommend!), and got home at 2am. We realized our oldness as the movie was over, and both of our knees were aching from sitting there for two hours. Achy knees and all, I'm still glad to be doin' life with this man. He's good stuff.
On the Border....Better than I Remembered
Posted by Flo and Grace at 7:47 PM 4 comments
I giggle when I say that word. I know....immature. I think it's funny though. So I couldn't help but grab this photo opportunity when it arose (my hubs is gonna kill, he is really gonna kill me).
How could a bundle of fat cells ever be more cute? Only in a mother's/wife's eyes.....sigh.
It's been a while since I've blogged. It's been so bad that even my husband mentioned, "So when ya gonna blog again?" (I think it's the only time he really gets to see what's inside of that head of mine!). I could say the proverbial "We've been soooo busy" But I ain't gonna lie - we're no busier than usual. In fact, most of my days are very routine.....get home from work, play with kids, cook dinner, bath, bed for, then bed for me. Simple.
BUT. It has been a little stressed seeing how we're about to close and say adios to our shack in 17 days and close on our next hacienda in 20. Moving during Christmas is not appealing. But, looking forward to putting 2009 - the year of hairbrained, split-second decision making, moving 2 times, not knowing where we're gonna live, changing jobs, having a baby year - putting THAT behind me and onto 2010 seems sooooo appealing! I'm actually looking forward to New Year's for once!
(I do not like moving. I do not like moving. I do not like moving.
Note to self - repeat three times, wash, and rinse.)
One not so hairbrained item this year is my sweet Sophie turning 10 months a few days ago! 10 months....she only has two teeth, she sleeps 10-12 hours a night, and other than the fact that she hates her carseat and can't have her diaper changed without the use of all my limbs holding her down, she's a doll. Just a doll. We laugh at this poor baby constantly!
Love those eyes.... dirty face, but great eyes!
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:11 PM 6 comments
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:50 PM 4 comments
Sometimes I feel like I'm trying so hard to be a mom - cook, clean, bathe, provide, etc. - that I've forgotten.....or haven't put much time into doing what a mom really needs to be doing for her children. I came across this verse that pretty much summed up what I hope for my girls.
".....I pray that you, being rooted and firmly established in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the length and width, height and depth of God's love, and to know the Messiah's love that surpasses knowledge, so you may be filled with all the fullness of God."
I have a feeling that the rooted and firmly established in love part will come easy. They are loved.....they are firm in that love. It's the comprehend and know part that is tough. And the filled part will hopefully come as a result of the know. And that's my job. Mine and Boog's. To show Him to them through our lives....our actions....our words....His Word. That's a tough, but worthy, assignment. But really. What more could we hope for our children, except to be filled with His fullness throughout their lives?
Now I've got to commit this verse to memory!
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:18 PM 4 comments
After 4 days on the market, the "shack" has a contract. : ) It's listed here , and I gotta say, it's the cutest little shack for the price! I know, I know.....the Ferrell family is crazy. But this will hopefully be our final move for a looooonnng time. The next time we move, it'll hopefully be to build on our land and live there forever until we die.'s time for a Dear John letter. Goodbye, Shack! It's been fun!
Dear Shack,
It's not you, it's us. You're awesome. You've come such a long way! You're a great home, but it's just not working out. We need space. An extra extra bathroom. We wish you the best in the future, and hope you can find someone that makes you happy. We had fun while it lasted....
Love, The Ferrell Family
BTW. More to come on our next home. If all goes perfect, we should be in before Christmas. real estate, anything can happen!
Posted by Flo and Grace at 8:41 AM 1 comments
Thar She Stands
A well house. The lifesource liquid that flows 540ft down below on our land will be quite, er, safe this winter now that it has a warm house to call its own. I'm quite jealous. At least we have a subject to test out paint colors and such.....
Boog & I have decided to put off building for a few more years in order to continue saving. I had Boog take pictures of our land in the fall, leaves all brown and crispy, to remind us that patience is a virtue. We've gotten this far, we can wait some more. So for now, we'll have to enjoy it with good ol'fashioned weenie roasts, camp-outs, s'mores, and all that comes with nature. Anyone want to come?
The Road
Grace, at Mimi & Papa's Just Down the Road
What a Sunset!
Posted by Flo and Grace at 7:04 PM 1 comments
Not Gonna Sit Still!
Gonna Get It, Momma!
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:03 PM 3 comments
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:37 PM 3 comments
Posted by Flo and Grace at 10:48 AM 2 comments
My Farmboy Hash
This picture doesn't do this dish justice because it was taken "pre-45 minute simmer". So it just looks fresh and crispy right now. But ohhhh about 45 minutes of simmering-beauty later, you've got a simple dinner to warm any good'ole cornfed boy's belly. Simple and easy.
Instructions: Get a BIG skillet (12 inches at least) and put in the following:
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:36 PM 6 comments
These past two months have been super busy for the Ferrell family. So much so, that I owe several people apologies for not getting done what I said I was going to get done, and I owe a special know who you apology for the likes of this one down below who purposely showed her ROTTEN side at a post-church lunch the other day. Keri, I hope your floors and Bri's room are okay - we left in a such a hurry because of ......
This is ALL I see of her these days...she's comin' and a goin' everywhichway!
Nine Months Old Tomorrow. Where did the time go?
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:07 PM 6 comments
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:23 PM 3 comments
Grace loves kindergarten. Someone told me that she'd just be "exhausted" after a day at school, but nope. Not mine. She's running on 100% before, I'm sure during, AND after school. No down time for me! Just the other weekend, I spent......oh maybe 10 minutes? with her sitting down, showing her the "one bunny ear" method to tying shoes. I was for sure this session wouldn't amount to much, but low and behold, not two days later was she tying her own shoes - in record time, no doubt. I was amazed. I'm a teacher......I should know better than to put limits on one's abilities!
Here's a few pics from her first "parade". The primary school's "Patriot Day" parade....she barely even looked at us when she walked by!
"Can you spot Grace?"
And finally, we've had our first cold snap here in East Texas. I, of course, dressed Grace in shorts that day. Fitting. : ) When I got home after work, I quickly put on my flannel pajamas and thought of the nice Fall weather to come. I heart FALL! It makes me want to cook.....stews, soups, cornbread. The good stuff.
Seeing how I have exactly 30 minutes (Sophie's late day naptime) to make dinner each night for my starving "lunchtime at 11am" daughter and starving "I'm playing quarterback with kids twice my size" hubs, I have to plan ahead or cook something quick. This soup recipe is a favorite, borrowed from my college roomate, Holly, and it makes you feel like you cooked. : ) It's on rotation at our house quite a bit in the Fall and Winter.
1 large can cooked chicken, drained
1 can cream corn
1 can Campbell's soup tomato juice
1 can veg all
1 can chicken broth
onion powder, salt, pepper
simmer on medium/low for 20-30 minutes
mix w/a side of sweet cornbread
I hope I blog again soon......Happy Fall Ya'll!
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:14 PM 7 comments
Make that PERSPECTIVE. All caps. And this week, I got some.
A few weeks ago, I heard of an old friend from my hometown being diagnosed with cancer. He's a year younger than me......I'll go ahead and admit that I haven't talked to him in ages, but he was (ahem!) my first "boyfriend" I think I remember having......many, many moons ago. I was shocked when I heard the news. It's too early for that. Too early for news like that.
However, thanks to, he has started journaling his experience at MD Anderson (where my mom took her treatment), and wow....if his first few journal entries didn't give me a whole new lease on my own life, then I think I might have my own disease to worry about - coldheartedness!
He journaled about having the "Why Me, God?" thoughts at first. But then, quickly realized that "he has a wonderful wife who will be there with him everyday, a healthy body to fight off this disease, and great family & friends to help him through why NOT him?"
I could barely read it. I've always told Boog that if the dreaded C ever came my way, then to go ahead and make plans to re-marry because I just am not a fighter. But this......this attitude of what even sounds a bit thankful, or grateful, for the opportunity to show what God can do in a situation that sucks (for lack of a better word!) floored me. Of course, the shame came over me because for so many reasons, I feel I would be having the "Why me's?" in that situation. At least I think I would.
However, I look forward to reading his & his wife's posts each day because, not only am I ready & hopeful to seeing his recovery journaled, but I feel my spirit of thankfulness for my own blessings grow ten-fold each time.
Gosh......God ALREADY has gotten the glory. Cancer, you lost that one.
Posted by Flo and Grace at 7:12 PM 5 comments
I have nothing to say. Nothing to blog. No photos to upload. No memory to recap. My life lately has been a total regimen of something like this:
work, sick baby, thinking about working out, not working out, work, sick baby, thinking about going shopping, not going shopping, work, sick baby, hoping to go to church, not getting to go to church, work, sick baby, travel, travel, see my sis, have everyone think I'm her (again!), have some laughs, travel home, date night w/ hubs (which is laughable....after dinner we went to romantic!) rest tonight, hopefully.
But then again, I have a sick baby who likes to get up at 4am and play.
I'll post more when I actually have something to post.
One funny before I leave. Last night, as I was falling asleep, I was staring at my cutie-patootie husband and noticed a skin-thing on his eyelid that I've never noticed before. When I mentioned this to him, his response?
" Don't look at the fine print've already signed for me."
haha..... laughter solves everything.
Posted by Flo and Grace at 6:38 PM 3 comments
Posted by Flo and Grace at 5:32 PM 3 comments
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