11 more followers, people! : ) As soon as I hit 100 followers (which hopefully will be SOON), I will be giving away one of these cute, cute painted & distressed vintage card catalogues in color of choice! (I"ll handle the S&H!)
How cute would one of these look in your office? How to enter? Well, simply 1)help me reach 100 followers.........and 2) when I do hit 100, all you'll have to do is leave a comment when I post about it!
Come on.....this blue one is too cute!
IOP shelling diaries 2025 | part one
3 days ago
How do I become a follower?!
I love these!! Come on 100!!!
Flo, it was so fun to meet you the other day at the J&D sale at Winnie & Talula's! And what a small world that you remembered Misty from A&M! I sent her a link to this post so she can become a follower...you should check out her blog and see her amazing embroidery and appliques...theraindropshoppe.blogspot.com
I hope you have recovered from the heat on Saturday! I hope I will get to join you this Friday, thanks for the invite...I can't believe how kind fellow bloggers and junkers are and you are leading the pack!
Take care, Brandy
Jacksonville, Texas
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