My girls & I were riding the golf cart around the neighborhood today, when low & behold, I saw these two items set out with the trash in someone's yard. Sure....they were dirty, dusty.....the table's glass was broken.....the chair's top was broken....but nothing that a little wood glue & call to your local glass shop couldn't fix.
I scooped them up (much to the embarrassment of my 7 year old!) and we drove back home with our treasures. I WILL be calling the local glass store.....I WILL use a little wood glue to fix the chair.
Another day of someone else's trash, turned into my treasure!
IOP shelling diaries 2025 | part one
3 days ago
Sweet chair! Isn't it amazing what some people will throw away!! I love this!
Bri said she saw you ride by with furniture hanging out of the golf cart. ;)
Hi Flo- well I have been sitting for the past hour reading and exploring on your blog when I should be working but I'm having too much fun. I love all three colors of the little boxes. I would use it to store cards that I get from family, friends and most of all the one I get from my husband. It was a pleasure to meet you at church this past Sunday. See you soon.
KK.... aka Kim Krueger
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