Two posts in one day! I hit 100, so I had to say a big Texas, "Thank ya'll!!"
SO! How do you win? Simply leave a comment telling me which color you'd like to have and/or how you'll use it ( I love ideas!). I'll choose a winner by random drawing next Friday, and I'll personally mail it to the lucky gal (or guy).
(I also happen to be taking a much needed vacay for a week, so I'll be post-less for 7 days.) Happy Vacationing (to me!) and Happy Entering (to you!). Be Blessed.
IOP shelling diaries 2025 | part one
3 days ago
Hi! Flo~ ok they are all pretty but I like the white one:) also if I win~ I just live up the street!! Boog can drop it off! LOL!! thanks for a chance, and I will have it stuffed in no time!! Love it:)
Hello Florence.I love the brown one.:)My hubby has been deployed to Iraq three times and although we had email and cell phones; we still wrote traditional love letters.I would use it to store and cherish our letters and file them with a card catalog theme card with dates/years.
Take care!
Avis F.Washington
Love the blue--it would look great in our newly-painted bathroom or bedroom! :)
Hey Flo!!! I love them all :) and being a school teacher I will certainly find the most perfect and useful spot for it!! Happy Vacation!!!
First I have to say I LOVE what Avis wants to do with it. I think hand written letters...especially war time letters are something to be cherished.
I love the brown or the white...or the blue... and depending on how deep they are, I'd love to set it up in my kitchen to organize recipes and oven mitts. If it's too big for that I'm sure it could find a home in my bedroom!
Hey Flo, They all look great!! I love to see the things you are creating! I like them all!! I would use one to begin putting all my recipes into one file. I have hundreds (literally) of recipes needing one home.
Have a fun summer!!
:) Mandy Hancock
Yeah, Flo!!! Congrats on your 100th Follower and have a blessed vacation!! You deserve a few days off. I would use any of these precious draws in my entry way for storage of little stuff like gloves and such!!
I like the brown one and I would use it in my kitchen for all my recipes. don't laugh! Your work is awesome!
Love all the colors but the white is my fav. I would probably use it in my kitchen by my frig. I need a place on the counter top for storage of coupons, sales, and misc. small papers.
I want to enter and I would pick the brown one and send it to Avis...her story was beautiful and I love the idea of old-fashioned, hand-written love letters...what precious keepsakes...
So pick me! (or Avis, of course :)
P.S. Thanks so much for including me yesterday in the Paint I said I felt like I was sitting at the cool kids' table...
Love and Paint Chips,
Love these boxes! I think I would like the white one....and I think I would probably use it as a recipe box...I think.
I hope I win! LOL
Hi Flo,
I love what you have been doing with the furniture and your booth. We stopped by on the way to CS a couple of weeks ago. The brown one would be my choice. It would be great for recipes. Thanks for the chance to win. Have a great time on the river! The girls are precious.
I love them all... The brown would go great in my kitchen, the blue would go great in my bedroom and the white would look great in my living room lol..... But I think I would pick the blue for my room... Love your work!
Flo it's Jenn and I am torn between the blue and white but if you forced me I'd say the white would be perfect to hold Aunt Chris' recipes!
I love them all! I would use it to keep important documents. Gaby New
White is perfection...still thinking about how I'd use it??
I love the white and would probably use it to store pictures or recipes. However, I agree with Brandy, I think Avis needs it. I LOVE how she would use it.
I like the brown one. I think I'd put my recipes in them. You are doing a great job! Miss you! Kim
If you pick me...send mine to Avis...I know you don't need me to tell you how talented I think you are!! I LOVE YOUR WORK!!!
I would love the blue one - it would go great in the new office/command center I am working on in our home. Have fun vacationing!
LOVE them all. Any of them would be perfect, I have NO color boundaries. I think I would set it on my kitchen desk. One side for family recipes. The other - I would "create". I have a daily devotional/scripture book that I move from room to room, and on certain times, I miss "that" day. I would dismantle it, put it in the card file, and would begin each day at this little desk with a blessing. You have a great vacay! ENJOY.
LOVE them all! No color boundaries here - any of them would be perfect. On one side, I would use it for family recipes that are in various drawers and recipe boxes...a perfect place for all of them! The other side...I would be creative. I have a small daily devotional paperback book that I love. However, it is small, I pick it up - take it to another room and often don't go back for a couple of days. I miss "that" day. So, I would dismantle it, put it in a daily order, and begin each day at this little desk with a little blessing. And of course, blessed by that beautiful drawer that you created! Have fun on your vacay! ENJOY.
I love them all and wouldn't be picky! I love all your beautiful work and your love for the LORD!
Wow, great looking boxes! I love the white one. I'd use it to store my vintage flash cards!
Hope you are having a great vacation!
I'm having trouble publishing this comment so will try "anonymous".
Flo -
I love the white one. I'd put it in my office to 'hide' my bills, coupons and such!
Keep up the good work!
Hi Flo- I have been sitting for the past hour reading your blog when I should be working but I'm having to much fun. It was a pleasure to finally meet you at church on Sunday. I love all of the colors. I love to keep cards from friends, family and most all from my husband and this would be a great place to store them.
Happy Floating!
KK....aka Kim Krueger
Your so talented! Everything you do I would love to have! The brown one is my fav!
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